phewww... ('emoji lega') it was the first thought that cross to my mind. I was so glad that my interview going smoothly yesterday. The university just gave us the lists of names for the interview just 24 HOURS BEFORE THE INTERVIEW! you just imagined it?? hahhaha but seriously, sometimes everything will be fined if we take it easy, I mean just chill but still prepare the things hahaha. At first, I was the second interviewee for my session, so supposedly it was at 2.15pm. But it turns out, our first candidate did not attend the interview just for being late only for 1 minute!! So, the panel (senior lecturer) pick me to be the first candidate. Huhuhuh, obviously I was so nervous but the panel was being nice to me, he also shows his appreciation to me for being ready earlier hahahah.
Okay, moving on hahaha, during the iv, obviously he ask me to introduce myself, what course I want to pursue and the reason itself. . . The second question was like "In your opinion, what will be the challenge for journalism in the 21st century".. I was thinking in my mind, "hmm boleh tahan jugak soalan dia ni" hahahah but Alhamdulillah, I just answered it with confidently and nasib baik aku buat research. OKAY SO TIPS NUMBER 2
The next question, he asked me, Do you love to write? because supposedly if you wish to take this course, you gonna have to write, write and write isn' it? Then, I was thinking in my mind.. 'hmm aku ni suka menulis ke" but I think my mouth didn't sync with the brain HAHHAHA. So I just straight away say "yes sir, I do love to write, plus I also have my own blog named as "PROUD PEEPS" which I share my experienced and reviews. Then, he was like 'WOW, can you share the screen? I want to see your blog'- dalam hati, "yes dia nampak interested interview aku" HAHAHAH. . . . My interview was going for almost 15 minutes, but it turns out like "baru je interview" hahaha. But for sure, I was so glad that my interview was run smoothly, along with a nice panel. AND YES, I think that's all I want to share for today. thank you everyone!